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Important Security Reminder About Scams

  • February 4, 2020

We want to remind you that SkyOne will never contact you to verify your credit card, debit card or any account information.

If you receive any text, email, or phone call from someone claiming to be from SkyOne, and they are asking for your personal information, please do not provide any information to them and instead CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY at 800.421.7111. A SkyOne representative can let you know if it is a legitimate request.

Losing money or property to scams and fraud can be devastating. We want to help you prevent, recognize, and report scams and fraud. You can protect yourself by knowing what to look for.

Here are just a few current scams:

Credit/Debit Card scams – Imposters will call, email or text you asking for account information related to your credit and debit cards, including card number and CVV.

Tax scams – Expect an increase in ransomware attacks in 2020 on tax preparers, where time-sensitive files may be frozen and only thawed when tax preparers pay a ransom to the hackers.

Imposter scams – Imposter scammers try to convince you to send money by pretending to be someone you know or trust like a sheriff, local, state, or federal government employee, or charity organization. Remember, caller ID can be faked. You can always call the organization or government agency and ask if the person works for them before giving any money.

Lottery or prize scams – Scammers will call or email congratulating you on being a winner with an ask for an upfront payment for fees and taxes. Similarly, a scammer might ask you to pay money in advance to get sweepstakes prize money.

Debt collection scams – Most debt collectors will contact you to collect on legitimate debts you owe. But there are scammers who pose as debt collectors to get you to pay for debts you don’t owe or that have already been paid. Do not give any personal financial information until you can verify the debt.

Stay up-to-date with the latest fraud prevention news on the Federal Trade Commission webpage!

Bookmark the FTC Webpage

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at 800.421.7111.

– Your SkyOne Team


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Important Fraud Messaging Alert:

Fraudulent texts messages and calls impersonating SkyOne are increasing. Do NOT share any information. Beware of scammers! click here to learn more about spoofing scams.